

Infinite IFrame Demo

I just made a demo on how to produce infinite nested iframes:
When I tested this, Chrome 21 and IE 9 are both susceptible to fetching and rendering all nested frames which could crash the browsers, i.e. a denial of service attack. (I set a limit on the demo to 100 frames as not to harm your browser or waste resource on my server but it can go on forever.)
The app is deployed on Heroku, a lovely deployment service for development/small projects.




因为所谓的“你所在的地区”是简单地通过检查IP地址区段来实现的,所以只要使用在中国境内的代理服务器proxy server,一个在你与访问网站之间充当信息中转的角色),就能让访问网站看到一个中国区段内的IP,通过检测。(VPN,Virtual Private Network,也能实现这样的效果但这些服务需要收费——当然了,因此它们也相对更可靠。)

如何找到这些代理服务器呢?我的办法是用过Hide My Ass这个网站(呵呵呵,这个站名够逗的),它提供一个实时更新的可用公共(=免费)代理服务器的列表:

Web browser instructions

  • Mozilla Firefox: Tools > Options > Advanced > Settings > Manual proxy configuration.
  • Google Chrome: Options > Under the hood > Network > Change proxy settings > LAN settings > Use a proxy server > Advanced > HTTP.
  • Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet options > Connections > LAN settings > Use a proxy server > Advanced > HTTP.
  • Opera: Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Network.
(instructions from


  1. 使用两个浏览器 :Firefox加上Chrome/IE/Opera/others其一,并通过Firefox来使用代理服务器,因为它不需要改动系统设置,这样只有Firefox的对外通讯通过代理服务器,另一个浏览器能如常使用(保持原IP,通讯不经过代理服务器)。
  2. 不要在使用代理服务器的浏览器里登录你在任何网站上的帐号,以免man-in-the-middle attack以其登录信息、隐私数据的泄漏。只用来浏览网页,看看视频就好。


Donation Buttons Gadget

I spent some time today to put two popular payment processing services' -- Google Wallet/Checkout and PayPal -- donation buttons together: this will hopefully capture a wider stream of donation by providing more convenience to my readers.

The gadget validates the donation amount (with friendly responses to errors) before submitting them to respective services. It also tracks button clicks with Google analytics event tracking (with the two payment services differentiated by labels).

The HTML/Javascript source code is hosted at The gadget looks like the one here in the sidebar. You can copy and paste it into your blog or website (the instruction is given in comments). Before you can accept Google checkout donation from the gadget, you also need to uncheck "My company will only post digitally signed carts." at your Google merchant account's settings>integration setup page.
The donation gadget should look like this.
If you like it, you can always buy me a coffee. Leave me a comment if you have a question or suggestion.

(Check out the error messages by typing in "abc", "0.5", and "999" in the donation gadget before you go. Let me know if you have better ideas for the messages.)


Free Will and Determinism

I recently read the introduction to History of Civilization in England by Henry Thomas Buckle (1821-1861). In this long essay, he outlined his dissatisfaction of history study being a collection of facts and called for its transformation into a proper science, which generates knowledge in the form of causal connection. He made many insightful remarks and one that got me thinking is about free will vs. determinism. He Obviously took the determinist position when he claimed that if he has enough information about the circumstance which his well acquainted friend is in, he can predict with certainty what his friend will do next. He keenly pointed out a problem of free will. Before we can have a meaningful discussion, I want to make explicit the essential conception of a free will. We think of a free will as an active agent capable of dictating one's thoughts and actions independent of one's experience or the given circumstances. Buckle's insight is that in order to freely will, we need to have another authoritative agent independent of deterministic laws to inject such decision into our consciousness given that the physical universe evolves according to deterministic laws. But how does that agent operate? Given that it lives in a world also evolves according to some deterministic laws, since it has to be free as well, it would require yet another free active agent. (This kind of reasoning is not unlike Descartes's notion of mind-body duality, which is wittily summarized as "ghost in the machine" by Gilbert Ryle.) Thus we enter an infinite regression that unsuccessfully evades the contradiction between determinism and free will.

This is a tough question because one is reluctant to give in entirely to either side. Some people suggested that quantum physics might hold the answer due to the truly random events allowed in quantum physics. I initially felt unsatisfied by such proposal because we want to think of will actively, instead of  randomly decides on things. But lately I came to realize that in observation of a single act, the two are indistinguishable! My worry was due to my subjective experience of activeness. Let's put aside the subjective content and imagine an experiment in which Buckle watches his well acquainted friend for a while and then predicts what his friend will do next. If free will exists, Buckle's friend will be able to decide on things independent of his experience and as a consequence, Buckle will not be able to predict with certainty even with all the information. In observation, that is precisely what you expect from a random event whose outcome is independent of the past. Although our subjective experience is too intricate to give us direct clues, the unexpectedness of a certain decision might have germinated from a seed of randomness allowed by quantum physics.

This resolution proposes that we give up the deterministic view, which arguably is suggested and supported by classical physics, to allow for some non-deterministic events, which is supported by quantum physics, our current best knowledge. This answer might still upset people believing in free will, because randomness seems to dismiss one's active control over his or her life. But the pursuit for the possibility of control only pulls us back to the infinite regression. While the moral implication in absence of an active agent is interesting to consider, I think I will spend more time on pondering about how quantum mechanics allows for randomness when all its laws, like those in classical physics, are deterministic (in probability). In quantum mechanics, randomness creeps in at the act of measurement whose outcomes' probabilities are predicted by input and laws, but not the outcome itself. I will subject further discussion on this topic to a future article. Let's revisit our thought experiment and introduce a modification: instead of predicting the exact action of his friend, Buckle will predict the probability of each possible action and we shall repeat the experiments many times (maybe with identical clones of his friend). If free will can actively control one's decision, Buckle's friend can decide how frequently he wishes to do a certain thing and thus he can manipulate the frequencies of each action rendering Buckle's prediction of probability incorrect. This is why the condition of "a single act" is needed in my statement of indistinguishability. However, this experiment is hard, if not impossible, to carry out because after each decision, the state of Buckle's friend changes and cloning the quantum state of Buckle's friend is impossible: we need to find some decision whose probability does not change when repeated. Hence a definite answer to whether free will exists, and if so whether it exists in the weak, random form or the strong, ghost form, is not known yet.


Text Encoding Conversion

I recently learnt about text encoding and was motivated to write a simple program to convert the MP3 tags in batches (most of my Chinese songs' tags were not encoded in UTF-8, the standard across many platforms nowadays). I will try to give a list of the essentials about text encoding and conversion and then talk a bit about the program I wrote.

What are Encoding, Decoding and Conversion?
1. the characters, i.e. symbols, need to be stored in a (binary) physical representation on the computer. The mapping from the symbols to the physical representation is called encoding and the inverse mapping is called decoding. For example, when you read a text file from your hard drive to display on the screen, the program decodes the file content to know what to draw on the screen, and when you save the text file, the program encodes the content into the file. As you might imagine, there are many encoding schemes or codec out there. This creates a problem when a program reads a file with a codec different from the one used to save it.

2. Conversion is a mapping from one physical representation to another such that the decoded text of the output are the same as the decoded text of the input. Conversion is tedious since we need to construct the mapping between the desired encoding pair that might follow very different structures and thus it is hard to automate. (If you are lucky, people have written it before you.) Then Unicode comes to rescue us. Unicode solidified the identity of symbols, which are the abstract beings that we human really care, into code points for each linguistic symbol in every major languages in the world. So now, we can simplify the conversion between any encoding pair by first decoding the binary to Unicode -- this mapping is written for most encoding normally used -- and then encoding them into the desired encoding. Python provides very good Unicode support and Python 3's string is represented in Unicode (handy in handling file names).

3. It is hard for a program to determine what encoding the file is saved in given only the file content in binary. There are various protocols to communicate this information, e.g. the charset declaration in HTTP response and Windows's BOM prefix to txt files. Another solution is to agree on using an encoding large enough to accommodate most, if not all, linguistic symbols, so every program from now on can assume this encoding: like everything is written down in the same language. The standard now is UTF-8 and so you usually want to convert text encoded in other encoding to UTF-8 for compatibility with latest software.

What does my program do?
As you expect, it converts MP3 tags encoded in <encoding> into UTF-8. You need to supply your guess for <encoding> -- I will talk briefly about auto-detecting encoding later. In default, I set the guess to GBK, the most common encoding present in Chinese songs' MP3 tags. This is the culprit that caused all the mess in displaying song information on mobile devices. For a list of acceptable codecs, look here: One cool feature of my program is that it converts the tags character by character and preserves well-formed UTF-8 characters. This design has two advantages. First, I observed that some tags have mixed characters in UTF-8 and other encodings: the other encoding does not have the needed character so some characters were encoded into UTF-8. This technique solves the problem easily. Second, more importantly, this technique makes it safe to run this program multiple times over the same files because it won't change the previously converted content in proper UTF-8. 

Using my program
To use this utility (you will need python and mutagen library), download and save the program here: And in your command prompt or shell, type:
python [<dir>]
where <dir> is the directory of MP3 files (handles the current directory if <dir> is missing). This is an example output (a log file will be created too):

A note for Windows users
I used mutagen to access and save MP3 tags. It reads many different formats of MP3 tags but saves all output tags uniformly in ID3v2.4 format which works fine on mobile devices and various modern MP3 players but it is not supported by Win 7 file explorer and the Windows Media Player. (They only support tag versions up to ID3v2.3.) So after conversion, you will see many "?" in the MP3 tags. To solve this problem, you will need to convert the tags to ID3v2.3 with other tools. I used iTunes to do that (right click on the highlighted song(s) and choose "Convert ID3 Tags..." and then select ID3v2.3):

How to detect the encoding?
This is a nontrivial problem because it takes more than a program to determine whether the decoded text makes sense. The funny symbols you get by using a wrong codec are perfectly normal in a different language. It takes a lot intelligence to determine if you use the correct codec. Some modern browsers provides some capabilities to detect the encoding on a page. One idea would be to see if the decoded text fall into some range of frequent characters of some languages. But this only solve some wrong guesses since a page might contain a wide mix of symbols than your assumption. In the context of MP3 tags, let's suppose that Big5 and GBK both decode this same binary but to very different texts and so the assumption on songs using only frequent characters is not a good one because some songs' names do use  rare characters. One solution I thought of is to use search engines to select the codec that gives most result on the web: one problem is that many songs are decoded wrongly in the same way of the one sitting in your computer (so wrongly decoded texts often yield much more result than you expect). The other solution I thought of (and actually used to fix conversion errors) is to use SoundHound, a very cool app that can reverse search songs, to listen to a song and return me the song information. (This method could also help you recover the names of forgotten songs in your computer.) Right now, it is a bit silly and time-consuming to do this to a lot of songs as it must be done by hand (unless you reverse engineer SoundHound). I am hoping that SoundHound will release an API soon so this could be automated. (Besides one can use its API do make a Sing Something!)

Regarding the source code, I do not provide any warranty but you are free to do whatever with my code. It edits some tags of your MP3 files, specifically only the album, artist, album artist, performer, and genre fields (you can modify the code to edit more or less fields) so you might wanna test it on a few duplicates before running it on your entire music library.


Campus Safe Ride Lookout App

This is my submission to 2012 UChicago Mobile App Challenge. It is a rather simple idea inspired by the need to wait for University of Chicago safe ride shuttle outside at night (possibly in bad weather) due to the lack of arrival information of the shuttle ahead of time. This app aims to solve exactly the information communication problem.

The Idea
This app will be in constant look out for the safe ride shuttle for you.

The Problem
Safe ride is a great service provided by the University and many friends I know use it regularly to get to places not served by the University shuttle at nighttime or in bad weather. The most important concern -- they put it in the name -- safe ride tries to meet is safety. Arguably, convenience of the rider is another concern. But these commitments have been challenged by the unpredictable wait time. This creates problems: standing in the cold or at very late hours is not very pleasant, much less is it safe. At the same time, safe ride drivers would like the riders to be ready to get on the shuttle when they arrive. It is a very reasonable request that saves everyone's time, but in practice, because the approach of the shuttle is not always well communicated in advance and the wait time is unpredictable, many riders and drivers miss each other. The result is that both the riders and drivers are unhappy.

My app will solve these problem to make using safe ride even safer and more convenient. By providing users with more information about the location of the shuttle and notifying the user when it comes within the vicinity of the user, the user can minimize their time exposing in the cold or to danger and the shuttle can wait less and run more efficiently.

The App
This location-based service (LBS) app notifies its user to walk outside when a safe ride shuttle is approaching the user's location. There will be two components to this app. One component lives on the shuttle driver's smartphone to acquire location data (via GPS or Wifi) and send the update of the shuttle location back via data network or SMS message to a server backend. The other component lives on the user's phone to acquire the user's location (via GPS or Wifi) and show the safe ride shuttle's latest location on a map (only) when it comes within the proximity of the user. So the user can get prepared and head outside before the shuttle arrives.

The limit on the viewing of the shuttle location to the user's vicinity is designed to enhance security by only informing the needed audience. Also, the app will require a UChicago email address to sign in to make the information of location of the shuttle even more secure. There are a lot more this system can do beyond these basic capabilities. For example, the user can make reservation from his or her app with a click since the app knows his or her location (and with this feature, we can only disclose the shuttle location to users that have made a reservation).

This is my very first youtube video in which I proposed this app:

If you like the idea, like the video, share it with your friends and vote for Safe Ride Lookout at the 2012 UChicago Mobile App Challenge! I will update the progress here before it becomes significant enough to move to its dedicated space.


Vote for this app at: so safe ride may survive and improve. My hope is that this app along with an automated reservation-dispatch system, which I suggested above, might save the cost needed to keep this service alive.


One Cause of Slowdown in Android Phones

I think many Android phone users are misled into flashing their ROM's frequently and do so as a routine to improve their gradually slowed down phones. Custom ROM's have their indisputable utility but without understanding the cause of system slowdown, changing the ROM only obscures the diagnosis by introducing new factors into the problem and thus it might not solve the problem at all.

I used a Moto Milestone, one of the early popular Android phone, with Android 2.2 a.k.a. Froyo (the ROM was built for some European carrier because Milestone, the GSM counterpart of Moto Droid, was not sold by any carrier in the US). The system was very responsive when I wiped all the data and first flashed it on. Then noticeable slowdown appeared as time passed. After trying a few things, I discovered one simple (and easy) cause:
much of the slowdown is due to the growth of user generated data and that some of them are regularly loaded into memory for access (via content providers).  

Thus by regularly (backing up if you want to keep the data and) clearing call log, messages, etc, I restore the speed on my phone with ease (without worrying about what is in a new ROM). With the exponential growth in phones' RAM, this will become less a problem and if the programmer practices more care and loads only a small portion of all data at a time: for example, the user does not usually need to see the call history from last week everytime he or she goes into call log. 


Insyde BIOS Advanced Settings

I like to focus on details, often to a painstaking degree: I feel the constant need to adjust the balance between the details and the whole. So when I got my new laptop, I quickly went its BIOS settings and tried to examine all its available settings and whether they are fine tuned for the best performance (CPU states/voltages, memory latency/clock, etc are crucial to achieving this goal).

So I got a HP Pavilion dv6tqe recently and its BIOS is from Insyde. I have never seen this vendor: back when I got my last laptop, I only saw Award, AMI, and Phoenix BIOS around in the market. Anyhow, that only shows how remote I have been from the field. The BIOS settings very much disappointed me with its about ten options with the only meaningful one being the boot order configuration. I went online and searched for something relevant to enabling advanced settings on Insyde BIOS and there are quite some discussion around this topic, including flashing a modded firmware to BIOS and this wonderfully simple solution of
pressing the A key (for "Advanced"?) after pressing the F10 key (this gives your the BIOS setting page).

I verified that this works with my BIOS with BIOS version F.13 (update: and F.1B). And here is a screenshot.
Notice that there are two new tabs named Advanced and Power.
There is one thing to note though: if you set a BIOS administrator password (which you should and many people forget to do), pressing the A key cannot get you to the advanced mode. You will have to clear your admin password and follow the procedure.


Google Multiple Sign-in

Google multiple sign-in is a handy feature if you have more than one Google account and you want to switch between them without logging in and out every time. (This log in and out action is still needed for a technical reason which I will point out at the end.) I use it often to switch between my accounts when checking emails (in this way, you can easily have multiple Gmail storage). Note that you need to enable multiple sign-in for your accounts at the account setting page before you can use this feature.
The switch account button is highlighted on the right.
On the list of signed in accounts, the one that you first signed into is marked with (default).
Although this feature is convenient, it is not supported uniformly well across all Google services. In any case, all sites will recognize your account as the default account which is the one that was first signed in and some of them will let you switch between signed in accounts. The implementation on the popular services such as Gmail, Google docs, and Google Calendar are seamless but not so for some others like Google Wallet (a.k.a. Google checkout). In fact, it can be really confusing sometimes.
If you want to change the default signed in account, there is no click-a-button method to accomplish that at the moment (which should be implemented soon by Google I hope) and so you have to log out (which logs you out of all signed in accounts) and log into the account you wish to make default.


Regular Fasting in Weekend

I think the feeling of hunger is a vital part to one's sensitivity which aids the individual's survival by reminding that his or her mental state is bound to the physical being of the body. However, in daily life, I found that eating has often become a scheduled task which occurs at a regular schedule without regard to whether or not one feels the need to do so. (This is made possible by the modern efficiency in producing food and there is undoubtedly good reasons for it.) Arguably in modern age, an overwhelming emphasis is placed on the intellectual as opposite to the bodily in a fashion as if the two were separable and the body mainly exists to sustain the intellect. Gradually, eating as a task becomes mechanical and contrived. We often seek to disrupt this growing numbness by trying new food, but I think a better solution is to feel the essential feeling of hunger again by fasting. For the past few years, I usually skipped a meal on Saturday and/or Sunday and that helped restore my integral sense of body and mind.


What If a Tree Fell in a Forest and No One Hears...

This is a classic philosophical puzzle: what if a tree fell in a forest and no one hears, did the tree fall? I take this essentially as a question on existence: does something exist if it does not register on anyone's mind? The tempted answer is yes followed by the further question "but how do you know that?" The difficulty lies in the confusion of the knowledge of existence and existence itself. In physics, quantum mechanics has provided an amazing distinction between the two and I shall explicate that in a later article.

My answer is simple. The event exists, i.e. the tree fell, and if you ask how I know it, I will respond: you just told me that. My point is that the knowledge of existence requires existence whereas the converse does not hold in general or there is no way to test such condition: in the example, you have to convey that to me in the question. Because for us to know that something exists, we must observe it, i.e. in daily experience, existence and our knowledge of it are bundled together. (That explains the common confusion of the two concepts.)

P.S. Existence is a deep issue in many disciplines and it fascinates me for long. I will try to remark on it from different perspectives in the future.

Anxiety over Options

I thought at length how to "allocate" my content on the web. Nowadays, in stark contrast to the past, there are many portals for hosting/presenting personal content: social network sites, blogs, video hosting sites, photo hosting sites, etc. Sometimes, this creates anxiety as where to share a specific piece of content: maybe LinkedIn for professional stuff, Facebook for fun, etc. And the ease-of-use offered does come with a price which is the uniqueness of representation, what many people long for. So I have come to these conclusions:

  1. personal websites are definitely not dead yet and I think its niche lies in the radical pursuit of identity, e.g. it is cool to own the domain name same as your name.
  2. there is inherent ambiguity in the intended use of web services, e.g. your mother just friended you on Facebook, using Google forms as database (I recently went to a business school workshop in which the speaker built his minimal viable product using free/very cheap web services), etc.

I think seeing all the web services as tools is helpful. Like what Marx once said, the discovery of functions of an object is history, as opposed to viewing functions of an object limited to its initial design. A good example is apple, i mean, a real apple, not Apple, Inc. Imagine that scientists discovered besides of being a delicious snack, some scientists discover its anti-cancer effect someday. It might be argued that the anti-cancer effect has always been a function of apples and my point is really about the human knowledge of functions. But that is crucial bit: even if the function is eternally associated with a certain object, it is useless without our discovering it (c.f. the question about existence). And in fact, I do not subscribe to the view of regarding functions as inherent properties of objects, but human constructs instead.

Okay, back to the question on personal content allocation, my solution is to use this blog really as a public log (the term blog came from web log) and will share most of my meaningful thoughts here for the ease to maintain (and then put the links onto other social sites) and build a very simple website as a portal for unique identity.


Polishing My Blog

As I have mentioned in a previous post, I stopped blogging for a while and I blogged when Wordpress did not exist (and Blogger was still Blogspot). The balance between ease to use and detailed customization is hard to achieve. Wordpress chose the radical strategy to provide its source code, thus the (almost) ultimate customizability while supporting an extensive set of add-ons (similar to blogspot's): I think the opensource aspect arguably popularized Wordpress and made its extensions more successful.

My experience with Wordpress comes from the building of a few websites for my friends and organizations: Moneythink China ( and CSSLC (the site I built was closed and this is the new site: Overall, I had a positive experience: there are some issues with add-on compatibility but it is not hard to fix it with some PHP knowledge.

I have played around with the new gadgets and customization Blogger provides over the weekend to polish my blog a bit. I started with a ready-made template by Awesome, Inc. for better browser compatibility (the dynamic template does not run on iPad) and adjusted some Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) code, added my own title background image (I guess I will call it Beyond Limits: it is a wooden fence common in Texas in the foreground) that suits the color theme of the template, drew my own favicon (and that was fun), etc. One complaint I have for Blogger is the long load time which is probably due to the amount of redundancy in CSS code:
the page is rendered 2.41s after GET request: I think that is quite slow considering that I have very little static assets on the page.

A cleanup of redundant CSS code is recommended by Google Chrome Developer Tools.

I am not surprised by the redundancy since the add-on's come with their CSS and the template will try to override them and then there is user customization but if a user is allowed to go in and have more control over how a page is rendered: in case of Wordpress, you can edit (almost) everything!

The other complaint I have is the customizability for the mobile template: the default page is usually clean and slick but the way how customized items from the web version are used in the mobile version is outside of user control and that might mess things up.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions about the look of my blog.


Refining My Google+ Profile

Continuation of the talk on online presence management.

As you might notice, yesterday Google undertook an aggressive move to push its social network Google+ by integrating results from Google+ into Google search result. I am excited to see this because I planned to talk about how to make yourself more visible while controlling the content with Google+.

Visibility is subtle: you want to show the right people the right content. And Google+ lets you do just that with circles. I had updated my Google+ profile to include my contact information and associated my profiles elsewhere: you can even control whom to share the information (almost) per text field. 


Monitor Your Online Presence

Online Presence Management is a big topic and is growing with ther availability of personal info online. I am learning how to do things right in this area and I intended to log what I did and hopefully this will be useful for others.

The approach I took to accomplish the goal
controlling what others see about me on the web
starts with understanding how someone finds you.

The answer is rather obvious for most people: Google. Therefore we should care about the google search results of our names on the first few pages (or as many as you feel adequate). Seeing what others will probably read about you will guide the future moves.

The natural question here is:
Google search results change with time (like everything else), how do I keep up with it?
set up a Google alerts!
I have set up Google alerts for my name and email addresses so I can receive notice as soon as new search result regarding them appear.

You might also want to know a few handy Google search operator: <item1> OR <item2> returns search results that matches either item1 or item2 and * is the wildcard that matches anything.

Weibo Redirecting Loop Fixed (Finally)

Yep, I used Sina Weibo and this is me @ weibo. I have been annoyed by their redirect loop for quite a while. So if you use the handy tool curl to look at with
curl -I
(the -I switch gives only the returned header). You see that the domain is redirected to It used to be that redirects back to, thus the loop. (The way you get out of it was to directly visiting your weibo profile (such as I think they just fixed this problem in the past few days and no longer redirects back to


Domain Mapping Verification with Nslookup Command

I have been setting up my domain name(s) and redirection in the past few days. This process is frustrating for me, a starter for the speed of DNS record propagation in the web which might take up to 48 hrs. Basically main name servers around the world will update their records with each other. And my default DNS server which is provided by my ISP might not have a updated record of my zone file and this delays my testing.

I used Windows to do most of my development and I found a good use of its nslookup command to speed up this process by designating the nameserver to the one hosting my zone file using this command
nslookup -d <your_domain_name> <your_nameserver_url>
(the "-d" is optional and with it the command returns more details.)

For example, I used GoDaddy to host my domain zone files and my updated zone file lives on (and as indicated in the screenshot:

For more info on nslookup on Microsoft Support:


Rebooting My Blog

Recently struck by the urge to share what I have been thinking and the need to persuade myself that I have learnt something during my soon-to-end undergraduate life at University of Chicago, I decided to pick up blogging as a channel to share my ideas, passion, and above others, life.

What will change? Well, I have been learning to develop mobile app and web app whereas most of my previous experience with programming has been with non-network apps.

So what am I going I planned to mainly write about the following categories: my path into the dev space (I hope to share my experience and learn from my readers), tech ideas, physics/math/philosophy meditation and perspective (my majors and lifetime curiosity), cooking (I love to eat and experiment with food), maybe art and social issues like my old posts.

As for style, I will try to keep things concise and clear. I might also post in both/either English and Chinese.